Tuesday, November 8, 2016

An Attitude of Gratitude

Thanksgiving is my favorite Holiday.
It's a celebration of all that I hold dear... my family, my friends, love, gratitude and of course enjoying all my favorite Thanksgiving comfort food and not feeling an ounce of guilt when 
going back for seconds.
I like to say I have "an attitude of gratitude" all year round, but on this special day
my heart swells with appreciation for all that I am grateful.

Join us as we celebrate Thanksgiving this weekend!
Please tune in this Sunday, November 13th at 11am to watch our Thanksgiving show
on ABC Network WFAA-8.

"Live Love Laugh Today with Linda Cooper & Susie McAuley"

My segments include~
Travel Time with Linda featuring Destination Cancun!!
There was so much to feature in Cancun we decided to make this a two part segment with Part One airing in November and Part Two airing on our December show.

"Shopping Is My Cardio"
featuring the Hottest New Aesthetic Treatments
* Dr. Benjamin Tittle for SculpSure
*Dr. John Antonetti for DiVa
*Dr. Martin Kassir for Pelleve

