Finding stylish and comfortable shoes have always been a challenge, but how about adding quiet to the list?? Finding high heeled shoes that don't make that clickety-clack sound at every step?
Ssh-oes Founder, Mary Arnett has come up with the answer with her revolutionary
Shh-oes design that adds a shock-absorber like heel tip, ample padding and special blister-free Lycra with leather lining to every one of her fashionable shoes.
Hurray!! Adorable shoes and you've gotta love a great female entrepreneur story .....
Definitely worth checking out!
Ssh-oes mission is to provide women stylish, comfortable and quiet heels to look and feel great and be seen for your fabulous presence.
Check out the entire Ssh-oes collection at
and use promo code:
"spring17" to receive 25% off your
SSH-OES order!